Wow I'm hurting today!
Yesterdays session was great! It was a gorgeous warm sunny day so the PT took me out for a 30 min jog along the beach - then up a bloody great big hill on the way bag to the gym! It was great but awful at the same time! I'm not much of a runner and although I'd like to run I rarely do so I did feel like I was going to die after 5 minutes and spent the whole time thinking my heart might actually burst out of my chest, but I really felt fantastic afterwards! It's the most I've ever ran so I'm quite chuffed!
After that we had 30 mins left in the gym so did -
Leg Press with a new exciting foot position! This was so much tougher and I really felt it more through the lower part of my thighs and my butt.
Thigh extension and straight leg deadlifts superset
Finished off with some ab work using the various benches for the first time - I rarely do ab work so found this so hard!
Incline sit-ups
Lying leg-hip raise - bit like this but on a bench without weight!
And then but keeping my legs straight and lifting from horizontal to vertical and kicking the PT at the top!
I ache all over today! Oddly my favourite kind of muscle ache is in my hamstrings - I love that feeling!
Friday Faves
4 years ago
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