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Tuesday 26 May 2009

Food Diary 26th May

Breakfast: 40g Asda Vitality Flakes with 150ml skimmed milk and 250ml cranberry juice
Snack: 1 babybel light, 1 mandarin and 1 small banana
Lunch: More of the salad I had yesterday but with two multi-grain ryvita added
Snack: 110g natural yogurt with 60g blueberries and marshmallow capella drops then 2 oatcakes with half a tub of extra light Phili before leaving work for the gym
Post Work-out: 1 scoop vanilla protein shake with water
Dinner: Higgidy Skinny Butternut Squash & Red Pepper Pie - slightly burnt :(

Exercise: 4 min warm up on the bike, 10 mins intervals on the cross trainer then full body weights - I left the weights until the end as I was still really sore from Saturday!

Daily Cal Quota: 1695
+ Exercise Cals: 366
Total Cal Quota: 2062
Calories Consumed: 1821
Calories Left: 241

Protein (g) 119.8 (27.1%)
Carbohydrate (g) 185.4 (39.3%)
Fat (g) 66.0 (33.6%)
Fibre (g) 22.0
Fruit & Veg 6.1
Water (litres) 2.5

Possibility of having a Magnum ice cream later but not fussed at the moment... that would take up all but 2 of my remaining 241 calories.