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Tuesday 12 May 2009

Food Diary 11th May

Trying to catch up a bit as I just haven't had the time to get online the last couple of days. Can't be bothered with Sundays but it was good until the evening when I binged on crisps and chocolate!

Anyway, Monday:

B: 100g low fat natural yogurt, 15g chopped almonds, 60g blueberries and 1 scoop vanilla protein
S: 1 babybel light and 2 mandarins
L: Sweet potato and carrot soup and a tall skinny latte from Starbucks
S: 120g low fat natural yogurt, 10g chopped almonds, 00g blueberries and 1 scoop vanilla protein
S: post work-out 1 scoop vanilla protein shake
D: 1 fillet sea bream, 1 small sweet potato and 1 quarter parsnip chopped into wedges/chunks and smothered in black pepper and cumin with a little olive oil roasted in the oven, with asparagus and baby corn

My presentation skills aren't up to much...

Drinks: 3 cups tea, 1 latte, 3L water

Full body weights - gym was pretty busy last night so we hung about a bit waiting for some machines to be free and ended up running for the lat pulldown and chest press, each did one set then swapped x 3, we did the same with shoulder press and seated row then leg curl and thigh extension - was a nice change and made the time fly by! Finished on the leg press and really struggled on my last set as I had gone too long without food so I skipped my 15 mins HIIT

And I can't resist posting another food pic just because my cat popped his head in!

My poppies went a bit floppy :(

Ooops, nearly forgot!

Daily Cal Quota: 1437
+ Exercise Cals: 331
Total Cal Quota: 1768
Calories Consumed: 1617
Calories Left: 152
Protein (g) 143.4 (35.7%)
Carbohydrate (g) 154.2 (36%)
Fat (g) 50.7 (28.4%)
Fibre (g) 16.3
Fruit & Veg 8.2
Water (litres) 3.0