So I'm mostly trying to lose some weight...since I moved in with my boyfriend I have become a bit of a porker. This February I decided that it was time I did something about it - it was no good crying over clothes not fitting properly, I had to do something about it - something permanent. I've lost weight before, but something always came up and threw me off track, then something else came up so I don't bother getting back on track until that was over, then there was something else and by this time I had forgotten all about the whole losing weight thing and started getting fed up about being fat again. Then came my favourite part, I ate even more to try and make myself feel better, it didn't work.
This time I'm not "on a diet", I'm eating well and exercising, not for a couple of months or until I reach a 'goal' weight, it's just what I do now.
Oh and as well as posting about diet, exercise and my weight loss I will also be posting whatever random crap I fancy :D
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