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Sunday 10 May 2009

Protein Pancake

Have been wanting to try one of these for ages but with my chocolate mint protein powder I wasn't so sure it would work. Now I have some vanilla I thought I'd give it a go!

I blended some oats with low fat fromage frais, vanilla protein powder, blueberries and 2 eggs and 2 egg whites - was aiming for one egg plus 3 white but I broke the yolk. I made too much and used to small a pan so part of it turned out like a lovely pancake and the rest was a bit like sweet blueberry scrmbled eggs - tasted great, texture was a bit rubbish and it was a bit dry. I will try again in a bigger pan and have some yogurt on top for extra moisture!


Rachel Edwards said...

They are definately worth playing around with to get right :) I always make mine with cottage cheese and never find them dry, might be an idea? Glad you enjoyed the taste mind x

Jill said...

Sounds v tasty - did you take a picture?

Stella said...

Going to get some cottage cheese while I'm out Rachel and try gain later today - I had a browse through your posts first and noticed you always use it.

Jildo no photos as it looked awful! Bit like blue scrambled eggs!