Front: March, May and early June, sadly I lost the Feb picture so don't have my true starting point

Side: Feb and May, will take another side shot next time, the June one didn't turn out too well

Back: Feb and May

Back: Early June
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That last back shot is uber sexy! You're looking fabulous chick, and even though you don't own a bikini, you should buy yourself one as you'll look great in it!
Fantastic! I agree, your back shot is shexy....and your waist!!! *faint*
Amazing progress!
You waist and tum look great, and I agree about the back shot.
Oh and the word verification thingy says 'mincer' lol
lol mincer! I love that word!
Thank you girlies! I feel rather embarrassed posting them but your lovely feedback makes it worth it!
Amazing work there Stella!!!
Your waist has just disappeared!! :D :D
Great stuff! 5 thumbs up from me! I'm mutated and have 5 hands you see :)
I'm with JAG go get yourself a bikini!
fab pics well done x
Wow.. big difference. You are in great proportion so the hard work is paying off. You have a lovely shape.
I only have one thing left to say... BUY A BIKINI!!
Thank you David, chocolatebutton and Edna!
Maybe one day I'll brave bikini then!
Well done chick!! Agree with the others, get yourself a sexy bikini!
Fab progress!!!! x
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