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Tuesday 23 June 2009

Food Diary 23rd June

Didn't bother coming on to post last night as I was having a bit of a crappy feeling evening. I'm not really sure what was wrong - something just felt wrong! Then when I looked in the mirror as I was doing my workout I just looked so gross, I seemed to have balooned and gaind rolls of fat on my tummy so that got me feeling a bit down.
Can't think that anything I had during the day yesterday would've made me massivley bloated but I was back to looking ok this morning anyway - must have been in my head!

This last week I've been feeling rather amazed that I've lost so much fat and still have a lot to lose. I never realised before how much weight I'd put on and had always thought that I had maybe a stone to lose. I've got quite broad shoulders and big hips and now amount of weight loss is going to have me squeezing into a size 8 but I think I could comfortably be a fair bit smaller than I've always thought I could be. Anyway, I'm happy with my progress and accepting that I still have a long way to go isn't getting me down, just soemthing that got me thinking.

Yesterday went well, my evening plans were a bit crap as we were going to go to the cinema and I'd decided my weekly treat was going to be then with a scoop of Ben & Jerry's Frozen Yogurt Chocolate Fudge Brownie, so I deleted my evening snakc out of my diary and ended up not going because I felt crappy and instead had peanut butter cups then a spoonfull of just peanut butter...

Breakfast: 1 scoop whey with 250ml skimmed milk (last of my choc mint ) about to go make porridge with skimmed milk and dried cherries and a little splash of capella gingerbread drops
Snack: babybel light with 2 satsumas
Lunch: salad of courgette, carrot, spring onione, mixed peppers, basi and chives with prawns, cottage cheese, pine nuts and tons of black pepper
Snack: Natural yogurt with blueberries and strawberries
Pre-Workout: Coco Loco Nakd bar
Post-Workout: 1 scoop whey with water and some fresh pineapple
Dinner: Homemade chicken chow mein with loads of beansprouts instead of noodles and 2 peanut butter cups for pudding
Snack: teaspoon of crunch peanut butter

Drinks: 1 coffee, lots of water and fruit teas, couple of espresso's

Exercise: Full body weights at home
3 x 15 squats @15kg
3 x 10 lunges each leg @7.5kg
3 x 15 deadlifts @15kg
3 x 10 flies @ 9kg
3 x 10 reverse fly @ 6kg
3 x 10 shoulder press @ 9kg
3 x 10 tricep dips
2 x 30 seconds plank

Daily Cal Quota: 1398
+ Exercise Cals: 156 (my HRM wasn't picking up my HR for the first two exercises but I'd rather underestimate than over estimate so just went with what it said)
Total Cal Quota: 1554
Calories Consumed: 1482
Calories Left: 73

Protein (g) 143.6 (38.9%)
Carbohydrate (g) 152.2 (38.7%)
Fat (g) 36.8 (22.4%)
Fibre (g) 19.1
Fruit & Veg 9.4
Water (litres) 3.0


deisegal said...

Never underestimate the female body and its ability to bloat up like! I swear some days I look like I'm pregnant and 12 hours later I have a fairly flat stomach. Bah humbug!

Stella said...

That is comforting to know!

I seem to suffer more from bloating either due to foods or TOTM more now that I'm eating healthy. In a way it's good though because it does make me more aware of effects of food on me...

Jill said...

See my post re spin yesterday, i had unbelieveable bloating and it was awful! My sympathies!