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Sunday 14 June 2009

Food Diary 14th June

Breakfast: 2 cups tea and iced coffee with vanilla whey
Snack: 20g dried mango
Lunch: Organic wensleydale and mushroom burger with salad and spicey salsa
Snack: Protein shake with milk
Dinner: Frittata - 3 eggs, 2 slices bacon, orange pepper, red onion, spring onion, milk and some padano
Snack: Food Doctor banana and pineapple bar

Drinks: 3 cups tea, lots of water

Exercise: nothing other than the walk to/from the supermarket

Bought plenty of good healthy food for the next week - should be better at sticking to it this week sine I can't afford to buy anything else! So as long as no one at work has a birthday and brings in cake I should be fine! I really hate that tradition! If it's my birthday why am I the one giving everyone else cake? Thankfully my birthday is right in between christmas and new year and I've yet to be at work on my birthday!

This week as an extra incentive I have a pile of My Protein sample sachets to try, should do the trick when I'm craving something bad! So far I've tried chocolate nut and banana. The chocolate nut was very nice but disappointing and definitely a bit on the sickly side - smelled just like Snickers but the taste wasn't so good. Banana I really liked, not to banana-y so I can imagine it mixing nicely with other foods. The vanilla I currently have has a very strong vanilla taste that just over-powers everything!

And the most exciting thing to happen this weekend - my cat came and sat next to me on the sofa, several times! I hope he's going soft! He's very independent and certainly not a lap cat. Hoping he will continue to join us on the sofa, however at the moment he is back sitting in his chair.


ednabucket said...

I also have a very independent (read grumpy) cat, and in the last few months he has turned into a bit of a sap. Sitting near me - occasionally actually ON me! Your cat looks lovely..

Stella said...

No! Not ON you!? You are so lucky!
How sad, I feel so privileged when he sits near me!
I really hope he is becoming a sap! He only sits on me at 6am when he pads on my face because he's hungry :(

Don't be fooled by looks, he's actually really mean!

deisegal said...

Your cat looks very intense, but cute ;)

ednabucket said...

Intense! What a great word.. I might adopt that to describe my cat!

I do feel your pain though stella.. I wanted a cuddly bagpuss and ended up with the beast of berluddy bodmin moor!

Jill said...

I *heart* Jeff! He looks so cute in that photo and not a trace of his usual mentalness :D

Your food sounds scrumptious!

Lori said...

I love how stern he looks with his paws crossed.